Mar 3, 2013

How to use omnibox in Mozilla

The address bar of browser window (sometimes called as 'omnibox' ) doubles as a search box.  that means your address bar works like address bar and search box  both due to this reason it is called as omnibox. This makes easy when you don't know the exact web address then it searches the correct web address and you can change the search engine also which is used in omnibox.

This feature is inbuilt in Google Chrome and you can see that here Setting > Search , and this is one of the reason why people like Google Chrome.

If you love Mozilla Firefox web browser then you can also use the omnibox feature by installing add-ons. If you want to install add-on then the link is given below

If you have not used this feature in Mozilla then I will suggest you to install this add-on and I am sure you will like this because I installed this add-on and it is pretty good.

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